Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ölbeat 123: Ruosniemen Parlamentaarikko

Brewery: Ruosniemen Panimo
Country: Finland 
Style: Abbey Dubbel
Abv: 6,9 %
What about the beer?
Colour is hazy brown with a finger-thick white head. Aroma has sweet fruits, raisins and syrup. Taste begins with fruity and yeasty sourness. Sour fruit, sweet malts, raisins and some yeasty stuffyness take over. Towards the end sweet bitterness and sour lemon step forward. Aftertaste has bitter yeast and sour fruits.

Tasty and complex Dubbel with fruits, malts and yeast and sweet, sour and bitter flavours. Should have a taste of this later with an original Belgian one and compare. Very nice anyway.


The name of the brew - Finnish word for 'parliamentarian' - steers the choice towards a politically oriented song. Well, at least this has a punk funk rhythm and lyrics from the mouth of an elite politician.  

The Clash: Know Your Rights (YouTube)

From the 1982 album Combat Rock, the song was written by Joe Strummer and Mick Jones.