Country: Finland
Style: Hefeweizen (/Wheat Ale)
Abv: 4,7 %
What about the beer?
Colour is cloudy golden yellow with a small white head. Aroma has yeast, banana and wheat malts. Taste lifts off with light hoppy sour and yeasty bite. Slightly sour yeasty flavour and wheat malts with a banana twist take over. Towards the end soft lemon sourness and gentle bitterness rise. Aftertaste has both sweetish yeast and dry lemon.
First thought was "what is this one trying to be?". Then the beer turned to a tasty mix of Saison and Hefeweizen. There's fruity sour yeast and wheaty banana. Nice and refreshing summer beer.
This calls for a song about Tarzan. Yeah. A jungle song. Ok. An animal song. Whatever. Something simple and fun with a rock beat.
The Presidents of The United States of America: Feather Pluckn (YouTube)
From the 1995 album The Presidents of The United States of America, the song was written by Chris Ballew and The Presidents of the United States of America.