Country: Finland
Style: Porter
Abv: 4,3 %
What about the beer?
Colour is black with a huge beige head. Aroma has roast, bready malts
and dark chocolate. Taste begins with dry charcoal roast. Charred bready
malts take over with gently bitter dark chocolate. Near the finish
roasted malty sweetness gets on top. Aftertaste
has dry and bitter malty roast.
Mild but flawless basic Porter. Charred roast with some bitter chocolate
and sweet malts. After one and a half year of active business, Rocking Bear seems to have succeeded
in breaking into the brewing scene of Pori.
The brew "Porkka" is named after Pormestarinluoto, a notorious part of the city in Pori. Although its blocks of rental flats have cleaned up and also polished the reputation of the neigbourhood, for me it will always represent pure darkness. I have no reason to visit or stay on that side of the city. Well, not in this lifetime, at least.
Depressed Mode: Suffer in Darkness (YouTube)
From the 2007 album Ghosts of Devotion, the song was written by Ossy Salonen.