Country: Estonia
Style: Imperial Stout
Abv: 11,2 %
What about the beer?
Colour is black with a two-finger thick beige head. Aroma has milk
chocolate, vanilla, sweet liquor and roasted malts. Taste begins with
roasted sweet and bitter chocolate. Milk chocolate and sweet roast take
over with some spiked coffee and vanilla. Towards
the end fruity bitterness and boozy raisins join the sweet chocolate.
Aftertaste has fruity liquor, vanilla-spiced raisins and sweet
Sweet and delicious dessert Imperial Stout. Chocolate, raisins, roast,
alcohol, some bitterness, a hint of coffee - wide spectrum of flavours.
The sweetness is present but doesn't get overly dominating. Damn strong
and tasty.
Definition of decadence: "moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury". Moral decline - check. Excessive indulgence in pleasure - sadly, not quite there yet.
Sirenia: Path to Decay (YouTube)
From the 2009 album The 13th Floor, the song was written by Morten Veland.