
Monday, March 6, 2017

Skitbit Mar 2017: Saimaan Home Brewer's Special Copper Mallet Red Ale

Brewery: Saimaan Juomatehdas
Country: Finland
Style: Amber Ale
Abv: 5,9 %
What about the beer?
Colour is thick brown with a large tan head. Aroma has caramel malts, sweet berries and spicy citrus. Taste starts with dry bready malts. Bready malts take over with vanishing fruity bitter flavour. Towards the end the bread gets sweet. Aftertaste has dry malts and bitter fruity pine.

Well, wasn't that monotonous. Dry malts and some malty dryness after that. If this brew really was made after the winner recipe of a home brewing competition, either the scaling went wrong or the judges were stoned. Let's say I've had only a few worse non-alcoholic "house brews" than this.

This beer was part of Alko's Finnish microbrewery craftbeer selection in spring 2017.


Probably this brew was actually top of the art, and I'm too uncivilized to show appreciation. The same goes with me and avant garde style music. Some other people take it as musical geniousness, I consider it crap. Copper mallet is a kind of a hammer, and the band, "The Hammers of the Underworld", fits the theme perfectly. Anyway, here goes - neither the brew nor the band will be missed from my behalf.

Alamaailman Vasarat: Vasaraasialainen (YouTube)

From the 2003 album Käärmelautakunta, the song was written by ?.