
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ölbeat 234: Hiisi Pirunpelto

Brewery: Panimo Hiisi (in Finnish)
Country: Finland
Style: Dunkler Bock
Abv: 6,5 %
What about the beer?
Colour is dark brown with a small tan head. Aroma has sweet bread, syrupy malts, dark fruits and raisins. Taste starts with bitter grainy malts. Dryish and grainy and bready malts take over with a hint of bittersweet fruits. Towards the end malty sweetness, dark fruits and gentle bitterness get through. Aftertaste has bitter fruits, dry malts and alcohol warmth.

Malty and tasty Bock. Malt dominance is broken a bit by fruity and bitter flavours. Didn't taste the sauna stove stones used in brewing process, though. How would a hot olivine-diabase taste, anyway? Let's leave that for you to try, dear reader.

This beer was part of Alko's Finnish microbrewery craftbeer selection in spring 2017.


Of course, Hiisi guys gave their own music recommendation - Howlin Wolf's Built for Comfort - which is a rather fine Chicago blues track. But as usual, I don't mind brewer's choices but I don't necessarily follow them either. And since sometimes I just pick the song right from the name of the beer, here we go again...

Kotiteollisuus: Pirunpelto (YouTube)

From the 2002 single Routa ei lopu, the song was written by Kotiteollisuus.