
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ölbeat 204: Pôhjala Mets Black Forest IPA

Brewery: Pôhjala
Country: Estonia
Style: India Black Ale 
Abv: 7 %
What about the beer?
Colour is black with a huge foamy beige head. Aroma has sweet mango juice, roast and coffee. Taste starts with bitter strong roast. Heavy piny roast and striking bitter grapefruit take over with some sweet tropical fruits in the background. Towards the end piny citrus bitterness and dry salty liquorice get on top. Aftertaste has dry roast and piny bitter grapefruit

Strong-flavoured India Black Ale. Heavy dry roast meets grapefruit bitterbomb. Delicious dark brew from Põhjala once again.


I associate black forest strongly to darkness in a sad but calming sense. This brew needs to paired with a powerful but peaceful song. "Darkness cover me / Deny everything". That says it. 

Disturbed: Darkness (YouTube)

From the 2003 album Believe, the song was written by Disturbed.