
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Ölbeat 185: Thornbridge Jaipur

Brewery: Thornbridge Brewery
Country: England
Style: India Pale Ale
Abv: 5,9 %
What about the beer?
Colour is bright light yellow with a finger-thick white head. Aroma has lemon, malty sourness and some grass. Taste starts with spiking sour-tart lemon. Dry sour-bitter lemon-grapefruit juice takes over. Towards the end bitter malts and hayish dryness come through. Aftertaste has malty dry bitterness and lemon sourness.

Really strong-flavoured citrus-filled India Pale Ale with steady and solid malt base, especially considering the abv. Sourness on top, bitter and malty flavours follow. Despite the intense sour-bitterness this goes down the throat pretty easy.


Since the brew's name is taken from a city in India where the owners of Thornbridge Hall were married, we'll let it show in the selected song. Of course, the IPA style cries for rock, so this time it's raga rock.

Aerosmith: Taste of India (YouTube)

From the 1997 album Nine Lives, the song was written by Steven Tyler, Joe Perry and Glen Ballard.