
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Ölbeat 182: Traquair 50th Anniversary Ale

Brewery: Traquair House
Country: Scotland
Style: Old Ale
Abv: 9 %
What about the beer?
Colour is nut brown with a small tan head. Aroma has sweet berries, caramel malts, dark fruits and sweet spice. Taste starts with strong and sweet wooden bitterness. Oaky and spicy caramel malts take over with dark fruits and sweet berries. Towards the end caramel and fruits get gently bitter and on top. Aftertaste has sweet malts, bitter fruits and dry alcohol.

Rich and delicious like a superb Old Ale can be. Caramel malts, oak, fruit and berry flavours with bitter and boozy finish make this one a really great experience. Truly a brew for celebrating a half century of brewing excellent beer.


Since Traquair House Brewery has specialized in old ales and has been around for 50 years, one might think that the brewery has become old and dusty. The anniversary ale shows that the beers are doing great. Matching song from a Scottish band is here.

Simple Minds: Alive and Kicking (YouTube)

From the 1985 album Once Upon a Time, the song was written by Jim Kerr, Charlie Burchill and Mick MacNeil.